Scott and Meredith Jorss are DC SUP Couple.jpg


We’re Meredith & Scott — that SUP couple. We love spreading the SUP stoke and inspiring outdoor adventure. We’re so glad you’re here!

New Year, Who 'Dis?

New Year, Who 'Dis?

We've all heard the jokes about 2017 and have seen the memes celebrating its end. Sure, there were challenges and heartbreak (isn't that the case no matter the year?), but we approached the end of 2017 with gratitude for all of the good things that happened.

For us, there was a lot of good. We got engaged (in an incredibly special way), we got married in front of our closest friends and family, we traveled, we snowboarded, we paddled, and we started this fun little branded venture. In a lot of ways, it was a pretty epic year and one we can look back on quite fondly.


So, how can 2018 top it? We're not sure if it can, but that's the constant quest, isn't it? Improvement. Resolutions. How will we be better? How will we do better? We sat down to individually to reflect on how we want to improve ourselves over the next year.


2018 is my year to practice more patience. I've gotten a lot better over the years, and Scott's led by example in this department, but I have a long way to go. With more patience comes more positivity and understanding. It's like a stone cast in water, causing a rippling affect. Apart from the terrible loss of Deke, 2017 was perfection. I have so much gratitude for the people in my life and the opportunities I'm afforded. I need to remember this during those moments of needless frustration. I know it'll stave off unnecessary bickering and deepen my ability to communicate more effectively.


I'm going to get real personal here. This year I'd really like to learn strategies for dealing with those emotions not many people talk about - sadness, depression, etc. It's not an ongoing struggle for me, but one that pops up from time-to-time throughout certain parts of the year. If you know me or you've read our story, then you can probably understand why. There was a lot of discussion about mental illness and mental health in 2017 and I'd like to learn how to manage those triggers to be a happier, healthier person myself. What works for you? Any strategy to send along that you find helpful? (I ask with a hint of selfishness.)

While on our "mini-moon" in October, we set a few goals for ourselves as a couple. We're already making good on some of them, like monthly date nights and actively learning new things (Scott got a ukulele for Christmas and Meredith a chess board), but they're all ongoing and require our collective attention and creativity. In short, work (but the good kind).

We also promised to slow down a little this summer.

No, we're not taking a hiatus already. (Though, the word "already" is misleading because if you know us or have read our bios you know that we've been in the game for quite a while now.)

Slowing down actually means reducing our set commitments in order to open ourselves up to new possibilities in teaching, traveling, and experiences. You can certainly expect to see more of us and hear from us more frequently when our SUP season ramps up again in the Spring.

Until then, our water will be (mostly) frozen for the next few months and you can catch us shredding along the East Coast.


We'd love to hear about your 2018 goals. Is there anything you're committed to accomplishing? Let us know - maybe we can help! Interested in collaborating? Have tips for tackling our goals? D.C. date night ideas? Comment below!

7 Days Without Single-Use Plastic

7 Days Without Single-Use Plastic

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