Scott and Meredith Jorss are DC SUP Couple.jpg


We’re Meredith & Scott — that SUP couple. We love spreading the SUP stoke and inspiring outdoor adventure. We’re so glad you’re here!

Race Recap: Return to Goat Island & Paddle Second Chance 2019

Race Recap: Return to Goat Island & Paddle Second Chance 2019

This year, two races (Return to Goat Island and Paddle Second Chance) joined forces for a good cause. The combination of these two very different events could have been messy and unsuccessful, but these race organizers are pros and the event was flawless from start to finish. The vibe of this race is one of the most laid back and fun - from the petting zoo to the commentary on the mic.

Although we’re bummed the 17 mile relay was removed from the list of races (we had a top podium finish to defend!), we totally understand they had to make some tough decision about the right number of races to accommodate people and courses. The end result was a day filled with a little something for everyone. The bonus: raising money for wounded warriors and their families and convening a huge crowd - nearly 200 paddlers in little Snow Hill, MD! We had a ton of fun and a lot of good things to say about this experience.

Scott’s Race

I raced the 6 mile course, where the start was separated by board length. It was very different starting with the 12’6s and having all the 14s out ahead of me. But, it allowed me to have the most successful start I can remember in years.

From the start I was in clean water from that point on in the race. I had a lot of fun chatting with a kayaker all the way to the turn around buoy.

Even in this flat water, river knowledge is key. I was able to catch several 14ers just by picking the eddy lines and staying out of stronger current. Overall, I’m pretty proud of my finish, both within my category and overall, and I’m proud of my wife and pup for taking on the 1 mile sprint together.

Meredith’s Race

Since we had Fin (AKA DC SUP Pup) with us I chose to hang back for the 1 mile sprint so I could race with him on my board. Fin loves the water (swimming is his favorite pastime) and he’s used to paddling, but mainly on our SUP surf boards with extra padding so he can roam from nose to tail. While this wasn’t his first race - we competitively paddled 3 miles at the B’More SUP Cup last August - it was his first race clocking in at his full grown weight of 50+ lbs.

Paddling a race board with a dog that slips off the side or jumps in to swim is a test of patience and quick reflexes. While he never caused me to topple off my board, stopping to help him back on was like having at least five race starts during the 15 minutes we were out on the water. I’m so happy I didn’t attempt the 6 with him.

We never got close to the podium, but that wasn’t the point anyway. It was a lot of fun being out on the water with my sidekick and experiencing a race with paddlers on the new side of the sport, some racing for their very first time. It was an important reminder that being in the top spot isn’t always the most fulfilling place to be.

We’re so proud of all of our friends and teammates who showed up with the best kind of energy for this race. A special shout-out to Julie McGroarty who landed on the podium for the first time - and in second place, too! - and Bernie McGroarty, who raced for the fist time on his prone board - and entered the 6 mile race to boot! We’re excited to see where these two new paddlers take their passion and talent.

In sum, had so much fun this past weekend. In fact, we had so much fun hanging out and catching up with friends that we really didn’t take many photos to share with everyone. We’ll be on the lookout for the official race photos when they come out.

In the meantime, share your comments below. Did you race somewhere this weekend? What was your favorite part? Questions about getting involved in the SUP race scene? Hit us up!

Race Recap: Chesapeake Stand Up Challenge 2019

Race Recap: Chesapeake Stand Up Challenge 2019

Race Recap: Bay Bridge Paddle 2019

Race Recap: Bay Bridge Paddle 2019