Scott and Meredith Jorss are DC SUP Couple.jpg


We’re Meredith & Scott — that SUP couple. We love spreading the SUP stoke and inspiring outdoor adventure. We’re so glad you’re here!

An Adventurer's Guide to a Non-Paddling Self-Quarantine

An Adventurer's Guide to a Non-Paddling Self-Quarantine

If 2020 were a typical year, we’d have at least two races under our belts and we’d be out on the water regularly, paddling on our own for fun, training with students, and teaching some private lessons. But 2020 is anything but normal.  

We’ve paddled once this season - to see the cherry blossoms. It was windy and the water was rough. Days later, the scope of the coronavirus pandemic became clear and we realized it was better for us to sit quietly, doing our part to flatten the curve in DC. If you follow us on social media, you’ve probably seen very few posts from us and the ones you have seen have talked about our personal choice to not paddle right now. Don’t worry, we won’t drone on about that here. 

As self-proclaimed four season adventurers, this approach hasn’t always been easy. We have new 14’ race boards sitting on a rack in our backyard. The weather’s getting warmer and it’s getting increasingly harder to ignore the Potomac’s siren call. 

But resist we have. There isn’t a playbook here for any of us to follow. We’re all writing it as we go along and in ways that feel right for each of us. If you’re weekend warriors like us and limiting your excursions, these are the top four things we recommend you do in self-quarantine to get ready for your next big adventure.

  1. Preparing for winter right now

    The unofficial start of summer may be here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be thinking of our winter hobbies. Early into quarantine we took time to wax and sharpen our snowboards so we’re ready to go next season. It’s good for your equipment’s longevity and performance to “summer-ize” before putting it away at the end of the season. Plus, it’s just a great feeling to know your gear is ready to go when the lifts start spinning. Put in the extra work now. We promise it’ll pay off. 

    Bonus activity: Leave post-it notes with your equipment marking any next season to-dos. We’ve got a pair of poles with straps that should be removed for back country activities. Making notes of this now will save us a load of mental capacity in the next six months and honestly, who doesn’t need that right now?

  2. Teeing up our technical gear

    Along the same lines, we did some maintenance of our winter tech gear. We (especially Scott) live in this in the winter. We’ve made sure to wash and re-waterproof our outwear (jackets and pants). Our gear accumulates a lot of dirt, oil, and other contaminants throughout the season, and this can get in the way of optimum performance and breathability. We’re big fans of Nikwax Tech Wash for cleaning and waterproofing. Household detergents leave behind a residue that attracts water to the surface fabric, causing it to soak up water (AKA “wetting out”). Taking this step at the end of the season ensures you’re ready to go when the weather starts to turn cool again.

    Remember: The same thing applies to your down jackets. Don’t neglect them! 

  3. Getting our SUPs race ready

    Just because we’re not paddling doesn’t mean we’re not giving our boards some at-home love. Think face mask for your SUP! Make sure to give them a good washing (we like Onit Pro Blue Goo) and while you’re drying do an inspection for any potential damage or weak spots. Once they’re clean, we take an additional step with Onit Pro’s Xtreme Cream. The washing removes stains, scuff marks, and oxidation and the cream seals and protects the surface. And, by doing all of this, it makes you feel like you’re paddling faster! 

    Check your fins & paddles: We don’t recommend these products on your paddles, but you could certainly use them on your fins. Take a minute to check your blades and fins for damaged edges, and make sure your T-grips and shafts are nice and smooth (insert joke here). 

    And don’t forget your SUP bags. Rinse out any dirt, sand, dog toys or beer cans. Oh, and coat the zippers with a lubricant to keep them gliding easily for you. We like 303 Rubber Seal Protectant.

  4. Exercising however we can

    We’re definitely missing our workouts on the water, but we’re trying to keep ourselves active not just to be ready for any potential races this summer but to help us mentally and physically during this stressful time. There have been a lot of walks - over 96 miles since April, actually. We’ve seen pretty much every nook and cranny of our neighborhood and the surrounding ones too. It’s been great to get out of the house with Fin and give him some mental and physical activity as well. 

    We’ve also dusted off our mountain bikes for some local non-trail riding. It might not be the most exciting bike riding, but we’ve clocked 53 miles so far and it’s been a nice way to vary our activities. 

    We’ve also found ways to work out while also supporting our local paddling friends and their businesses. For a month we rented a Surfset board from Mantra Fit (that was fun!) and Meredith participated in a May core challenge led by B’More SUP. These virtual group workouts and challenges are a nice way to stay accountable and find motivation to exercise. B’More SUP is introducing a Summer Strong 30-day challenge. if you’re looking for a new activity to try! Sign up here!

You’ve probably heard this before, but if you take care of your tools, they’ll take care of you. That includes our gear and our bodies. We hope you’re finding ways to stay busy and motivated. As we prep for our upcoming adventures out of the comfort of our home, we’re keeping an eye on the District’s plans to reopen. We have exciting new things on the horizon for you and we hope to make an announcement about our 2020 season soon. Make sure you’re on our mailing list so you don’t miss out - subscribe here!

A Message About Our 2020 SUP Season

A Message About Our 2020 SUP Season

A Lesson from Coronavirus Quarantine

A Lesson from Coronavirus Quarantine