Scott and Meredith Jorss are DC SUP Couple.jpg


We’re Meredith & Scott — that SUP couple. We love spreading the SUP stoke and inspiring outdoor adventure. We’re so glad you’re here!

A Message About Our 2020 SUP Season

A Message About Our 2020 SUP Season

With phase 1 of the District’s reopening underway, this week we had planned to announce that we’re able to offer lessons again this season despite the delay due to the coronavirus. That announcement looked a lot different when we first drafted it more than a week ago. There isn't much we can say that other smarter and more articulate people haven't already said. But silence equals complicity and we are committing ourselves to being better allies to the Black community and to other people of color - in our personal lives but also in the ways we show up in the outdoor industry, an industry dominated by white culture. We promise to listen, learn, and act.

It’s not enough to be “not racist.” We have to be loudly anti-racist and be active participants in the solution. We’ve been doing a lot of listening, diversifying our social media feeds to include BBIPOC voices, and reflecting on our own words and actions. This is all part of a long overdue journey to acknowledge and overcome our own privilege and unintentional biases and something we hope others are doing right now too. Regardless of intent, we’ve all contributed to cultural insensitivity, appropriation, and racism. There will be moments of shame and guilt. We’ve already felt that. But we’re not here to center this conversation on us. Instead, we want to share one of the first steps we’re taking to be better allies to BBIPOC communities: a fundraiser to support the efforts of legal teams and Black activists across the country. 

Inspired by our paddling friend, Michaela, we’re offering free group classes - up to two per month - for any student who makes a donation to an organization or group supporting front line protesters, bail funds, Black-led projects, and fundraisers for the families of the Black men and women murdered by police. While the donation can be of any amount, we encourage you to match the cost of your class or higher. 

How do you qualify for a free class? Just email us a screenshot of your receipt or proof of donation. Students will be eligible for up to two free classes per month. For those who set up a recurring monthly payment, in addition to one free group class each month, you can also bring a friend to any one of those classes each month. 

Which classes qualify? Any of our SUP Fitness & Race Training classes or our new SUP Social Hour classes. 

Is this enough? No. But we’re listening and learning and will find ways to continue being better allies and lifting up BBIPOC voices, especially in the outdoor industry. We’re committed to this journey.

We hope you’ll consider making a donation and joining us on the water this season. The following links provide additional information about classes and how to register, as well as an important note about how we’re handling COVID-19 this season.

Allow Us to Reintroduce Ourselves

Allow Us to Reintroduce Ourselves

An Adventurer's Guide to a Non-Paddling Self-Quarantine

An Adventurer's Guide to a Non-Paddling Self-Quarantine