All tagged SUP

An Adventurer's Guide to a Non-Paddling Self-Quarantine

If 2020 were a typical year, we’d have at least two races under our belts and we’d be out on the water regularly, paddling on our own for fun, training with students, and teaching some private lessons. But 2020 is anything but normal. If you follow us on social media then you already know we’re not paddling at this stage of the coronavirus pandemic. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have adventure on our minds. Here are the four things we’ve done during quarantine to get us ready for our next big adventure - including paddling!

The SUP Events We're Staying Optimistic About in 2020

Like everyone else, we’re closely watching as COVID-19 (have you heard of it?) impacts communities near and far. We’re watching events get cancelled, trips postponed, and lives put on hold or worse, completely uprooted. But, we’re currently channeling an optimistic outlook and looking forward to the upcoming SUP season, especially as spring is waiting just around the corner. Take a gander at the (mostly) local SUP races we’re optimistically excited for this year.

Every SUP Racer Should Volunteer at a SUP Race

Last weekend we made the 9-hour drive Chattanooga, TN for Chattajack, the 31 mile endurance SUP race down the Tennessee River Gorge. It's the first time we've been back since 2016, but this time we weren't racing. It was the first time we volunteered at a race, especially one of this size, and what we learned is that at some point, every SUP racer should volunteer at a SUP race. Find out why.

Race Recap: Team River Runner Biathlon 2019

The Team River Runner (TRR) Biathlon is usually the last race for us of the season. It’s such an inspiring event, paddling next to some truly inspiring people! While a 1 mile SUP sprint and 3 mile road race seem pretty quick and easy, it always proves more challenging than we remember. Here’s our race recap!

Drowning Our Fears

My near drowning struck a chord. I love the water - always have - and, frankly, this experience scared the shit out of me for years. And then I discovered SUP four years later and I had to face the trauma all over again and learn to conquer my fear and anxiety of the water.